Resources for Young Adult Transition Programs and Services
HEATH Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center, managed by The George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Resources
A Guide to Assessing College Readiness: For Parents of College-Bound Children with Learning Disabilities or AD/HD, published by Landmark College
Think College! College Options for People with Disabilities.
College Living Experience - helping students with special needs experience independence and transition into a life full of opportunity.
Bass Educational Services - providing comprehensive college planning for students with learning differences.
Achieving in Higher Education with Autism/Developmental Delays (AHEADD). Coaching, mentoring and personal advocacy for college students with high-functioning autism, asperger's syndrome, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, and non-verbal learning disabilities.
Transition Tool Kit from Autism Speaks contains information about self-advocacy, post-secondary educational opportunities, employment and other options, and more.
Beacon College - The only accredited college offering BA and AA degrees exclusively for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, or gifted LD.
The transition specialists at ABCs for Life Success can assist you and your teenager in understanding the changing environment, developing well-rounded interpersonal skills, preparing for the work force and transitioning into independent adulthood. See transition services.